Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hollywood Style without the Hollywood Price Tag

Hollywood is classy, glamorous, and exciting...everything you want your next party to be! This is one of a series of three articles of ideas to add glitz and glam to a film-themed event, whether it's an Oscar party or a girls' movie night in. These ideas will help you create a Hollywood hit of a party without the Hollywood price tag.

Marquee Decoration

You'll need:

  • White butcher/roll paper
  • Yard stick/straight edge
  • Black marker
  • Black paint
  • Pencil
  • Gold paint
  • Wooden stars
  • Rubber cement glue

How To Create:

  1. Cut butcher paper to 6 foot length using a straight edge and pencil.

  2. Measure 6 inches in from each side of the butcher paper and draw a vertical line.

  3. Measure over another 3 inches and draw a vertical line to create the bars on both sides of the marquee. Fill in the bar with black marker or black paint.

  4. Measure 6 inches from the top of the butcher paper and draw a horizontal line connecting the two bars. Measure down 3 inches from that line and draw a matching horizontal line. Do this one more time to create the marquee “Now Showing” lines. Go over these lines with black marker.

  5. Write in “NOW SHOWING” on marquee lines. Fill in space below lines with information about your event. If you're throwing a party at home, list the names of your guests. For a movie night, list the films you'll be watching.

  6. Decorate the marquee with wooden stars (purchased at a craft store), spray painted gold and glued to the banner.

Hang your banner over a doorway or on a prominent wall in your event. This idea will make a big impact on your event without making a big hole in your budget. Check back for ideas on centerpieces and party favors.

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